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To start 2025, we’ve chosen another selection from Tony MacMahon’s and Tom Davis collections, featuring among others sessions from the 1973 Fleadh Ceoil in Listowel. In 1973, Tom was in Listowel and managed to record a variety of well-known musicians, including Joe Burke (1939-2021, this time on tin whistle) playing a haunting air An Droighnean Donn. A young Paddy Glackin teamed up with brothers Paddy and Michael Gavin for two lively reels. Likewise, a young John Regan was in great form playing a couple of classic tunes on the box. We are fortunate also that Tom was on hand to record the distinctive voice of Mairéad Ni Mhaonaigh (of Altan fame), only a teenager at the time.
Tony MacMahon hugely admired the late John Kelly, (1912-1989), and his sons James and John. From Tony’s collection we are lucky to have recordings from the early 1970s, made in O’Donoghues pub, of both John Kelly and his old friend Bobby Casey (1926 – 2000), also originally from Co Clare.
Sonny Murray (1920-2009), was a leading concertina player from Co Clare. From a recording made in Ennis in 1971, Sonny plays two famous reels associated with the American Wm J. Mullally and Chief O Neill’s hornpipe (again named after the famous collector).
The piper Liam O Flynn (1945-2018), remains a major inspiration for current pipers and here Liam plays an evocative part of the epic Gol na mBan san Ár from the early 1970s. Finally, we have Tony himself playing a terrific version of the Boys of Ballisodare.