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Recent Instrumental Duets

    18 Videos • Currently viewing:
  1. Farewell to Connaught, reel ; and another reel / Robbie Hannan ; Jesse Smith

  2. Jenny picking cockles, reel ; The steampacket reel / Robbie Hannan ; Jesse Smith

  3. Statia Donnelly, jig ; The gander in the pratie hole, jig / Robbie Hannan ; Jesse Smith

  4. The Munster jig ; Down the back lane, jig / Robbie Hannan ; Jesse Smith

  5. The stone in the field, jig ; and another jig / Robbie Hannan ; Jesse Smith

  6. Connie the soldier, jig ; The frost is all over, jig / Padraig McGovern ; Peter Carberry

  7. Jimmy Dolan’s, fling ; John Joe Gannon, fling / Padraig McGovern ; Peter Carberry

  8. Mickey Doherty’s, reel ; The Strokestown reel / Padraig McGovern ; Peter Carberry

  9. Táimse im chodladh, slow air ; untitled, march ; untitled, reel / Padraig McGovern ; Peter Carberry

  10. The blackbird, hornpipe ; The chorus, reel / Padraig McGovern ; Peter Carberry

  11. The road to town, reel ; Patsy Touhey's 'Rip the Calico', reel ; Joe Kilmurray's, reel / Padraig McGovern ; Peter Carberry

  12. Con Cassidy’s, jig ; Rí na píobaraí, jig / Brid Harper ; Harry Bradley

  13. Gusty’s frolics, slip jig ; Humours of whiskey, slip jig / Brid Harper ; Harry Bradley

  14. Kitty Shand's, barndance ; The Chaffpool post, barndance / Brid Harper ; Harry Bradley

  15. Love at the endings, reel ; The knotted cord, reel / Brid Harper ; Harry Bradley

  16. Maud Miller, reel ; Donegal reel / Brid Harper ; Harry Bradley

  17. Gander in the pratie hole, jig ; Queen of the rushes, jig / Anne-Marie O’Farrell ; Cormac De Barra

  18. Sir Festus Burke, harp piece / Anne-Marie O’Farrell ; Cormac De Barra

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