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  • 31 Tracks
  • • Now Playing:

The broken pledge, reel / [Jimmy McKiernan], fiddle


  • The broken pledge, reel / [Jimmy McKiernan], fiddle

  • The Curragh races, reel / [Jimmy McKiernan], fiddle

  • The Dunmore lasses, reel ; The youngest daughter, reel ; The Aughavas reel / The Leitrim Trio, instrumental group

  • Stop the bus, jig [Paddy Taylor's, jig] ; The frost is all over, jig ; The Leitrim jig, jig / The Leitrim Trio, instrumental group

  • Logier's hornpipe / Enda McNamara, fiddle ; Reilly, Pat, speech in English ; Quinn, Fr. John, speech in English ; McNamara, Michael, speech in English

  • These are my mountains, song [composed by James Copeland] / Josephine McNamara, speech in English, singing in English

  • Michael Creamer's reel / John Blessing, flute

  • Buckley's fancy, reel / John Blessing, flute

  • Fermoy lasses, reel / John Blessing, flute

  • Terry of my heart, song / Marie Reilly, singing in English, & Michael Reilly, fiddle

  • Biddy McGrath, song / [unidentified woman], singing in English

  • Fisher's hornpipe ; Brigid of Knock, hornpipe / Ben Lennon, fiddle, & Michael NcNamara, flute

  • John Blessing's delight, jig [Jackson's Mistake, jig] / John Lee, flute

  • Up Sligo, jig ; [unidentified], jig / Ben Lennon, fiddle, & Michael NcNamara, flute

  • The blackthorn stick, reel ; [unidentified], reel / Ben Lennon, fiddle, Michael NcNamara, flute, & John McGuinness, bodhrán

  • The Drummond lasses, reel / John Blessing, flute

  • Bonny Irish boy, song / John Blessing, singing in English

  • The joys and sorrows of Ireland, reel ; [Ceili House capers], reel ; The moving bog, reel / Michael McNamara, flute, & Pee Fitzpatrick, fiddle

  • Cut the sod, reel / Michael McNamara, flute, & John Blessing, flute

  • [unidentified tunes] / Michael NcNamara, flute, & John Blessing, flute

  • The dawn reel / John Thomas Gray, fiddle

  • [unidentified], reel / John Thomas Gray, fiddle

  • Top the candle, hop jig ; Do it fair, hop jig / Frank Reilly, fiddle, & Pat Reilly, fiddle

  • O'Connell's reel ; Mary of the grove, reel ; The Drummond lasses, reel / Michael NcNamara, flute, & John Lee, flute

  • The Edenderry reel ; Over the bridge to Peggy, reel ; Master Henry's reel / Michael NcNamara, flute, & John Lee, flute

  • The home I left behind, song / Fr. O'Flynn, speech in English ; Josephine McNamara, singing in English

  • Larry the beer drinker, jig / John Blessing, flute

  • Miss Simple's, reel ; The humours of Bolton Street, reel ; Bring her to the shelter, reel ; Miss Gunning's reel / The McNamara Family

  • The Ballyoran, hornpipe [composed by Seán Ryan] / Michael Reilly, fiddle

  • O'Donnell's, hornpipe / Michael Reilly, fiddle, & Michael McNamara, flute

  • Bonnie Kate, reel ; Jenny's chickens, reel / Michael Reilly, fiddle