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The Leac Rua, reel / Joe Bane, tin whistle, speech

Joe Bane,

28 Apr 1992

  • The Leac Rua, reel / Joe Bane, tin whistle, speech

  • Castle Donovan, jig ; Have a drink with me, jig / Joe Bane, tin whistle, speech

  • The hundred pipers, jig / Joe Bane, tin whistle, speech

  • Introduction, speech ; The bush in bloom, reel / Joe Bane, speech, tin whistle

  • Untitled, jig ; The three little drummers, jig and polka / Danny Smith, accordion

  • Talk about local musicians and their instruments, dancing / Danny Smith, speech

  • Leave it down easy, jig / Danny Smith, accordion

  • Learning music from his aunt and local music in his early years, speech / Danny Smith, speech

  • Story about an encounter with fairies, speech / John Killourhy, speech ; Paddy Killourhy, speech

  • Jetty Howley’s jigs, Willie Shannon’s jig / John Killourhy, tin whistle; Paddy Killourhy, fiddle

  • Mrs McGrath and beginning in music, speech / John Killourhy, speech ; Paddy Killourhy, speech

  • Bridgie McGrath’s jigs / John Killourhy, tin whistle ; Paddy Killourhy, fiddle

  • The Limerick lover, song / Pat Keane, singing in English, speech

  • The setting of the sun, song / Pat Keane, singing in English, speech

  • The six girls, song / Pat Keane, singing in English, speech

  • Introduction and brief history, speech / Pat Keane, speech

  • P Joe’s, reel ; The shores of Lough Graney, reel / PJ Hayes, fiddle, speech

  • Mrs Dwyer’s, hornpipe / PJ Hayes, fiddle, speech

  • The Maghera reel / PJ Hayes, fiddle

  • Early life, Paddy Canny, Ceilí bands and recording an LP in Dublin, speech / PJ Hayes, speech