The Irish Traditional Music Archive (ITMA) is committed to providing free, universal access to the rich cultural tradition of Irish music, song and dance. If you’re able, we’d love for you to consider a donation. Any level of support will help us preserve and grow this tradition for future generations.
Commercial Sound Recordings
Agee, Adam, fiddle, & Jon Sousa, guitar, Ceol na gcarad = Music of friendship, Agee & Sousa n.n., 2018
Bauhan, Sarah, flute, Elmwood Station, Whistler’s Music n.n., 2017
Bays, Randal, fiddle, guitar, The salmon’s leap, Bays FG0150, 2018. Reissue
Boxing Banjo, instrumental & vocal group, Round #1, Boxing Banjo n.n., 2018
Caldwell, Conor, fiddle, To Belfast…, Caldwell CDD01, 2018
Céilí Dé Collective, vocal & instrumental group, Hymns of passion and resurrection, One by One Records n.n., n.d.
Colin Farrell Band, instrumental group = Colin Farrell, fiddle, Alan Murray, bouzouki, guitar, & Dan Lowery, flute, guitar, Colin Farrell Band, Colin Farrell Band n.n., 2018
Cór Fear na nDéise, vocal & instrumental group, Ceolta néata: traditional songs and music from Co. Waterford, Cór Fear na nDéise CFD002, 2018
Ensemble Éiru, instrumental group, Stargazer, Diatribe Records n.n., 2017
Foley, Dylan, fiddle, Deliriously happy, Foley n.n., 2018
Glens Trio, The, instrumental group, A glimpse of Scotland, Glens Music n.n., 2018
Gormley, Daithí, accordion, Fiddling without a bow: Irish traditional music on button accordion, Gormley WHRCD001, 2018
Grennan, Katie, fiddle, The second story, Grennan n.n., 2017
Grennan, Katie, fiddle, Between worlds, Grennan n.n., 2015
High Seas, The, instrumental & vocal group = Cathal Ó Curráin, singing in Irish & English, fiddle, bouzouki, Ciarán Ó Maonaigh, fiddle, octave fiddle, & Caitlín Nic Gabhann, concertina, dance, foot percussion, The High Seas, Caitlín & Ciarán C&C2, 2018
HighTime, instrumental group, Sunda, HighTime n.n., 2018
Lambe, David, whistle, Full of the pipe, Lambe n.n., 2016
Luascadh, instrumental & vocal group, Time of day, Luascadh n.n., 2018
McCool, Maria, singing in Irish, & The McCool Family, singing in Irish, Maria McCool agus a clann: Shenandoah, [McCool n.n., n.d.]
McGeown, Eimear, flute, whistle, Inis, McGeown INREC01, 2018
McVittie, Brona, singing in English, harp, We are the wildlife, Company of Corkbots n.n., 2018
Nash, Stephanie, singing in English, Holdin’ on, Nash SHP050504, n.d.
Noreia, instrumental & vocal group, Moments to treasure, Noreia n.n., 2017
Nugent, Brendan, & various, Brendan Nugent & friends: The blue tar road, Nugent n.n., 2018
O’Grady, Theresa, banjo, Banjo’ista, O’Grady n.n., 2018
Pappy with a Hatchet, instrumental & vocal group, Pappy with a Hatchet EP, Pappy with a Hatchet n.n., 2018
Rís Ceol, vocal & instrumental group, Aon seans ar riot?, Rís Ceol n.n., 2017
Sands, Seamus, fiddle, A deep pool: traditional Irish fiddle playing, Sands SSCD200, 2018
Shebish, Deb, fiddle, Kitchen fiddle, Shebish n.n., 2015
St Joseph’s School, instrumental music, The Setanta story, St Joseph’s School n.n, 2003
Teknopeasant (AKA Conor O’Kane), singing in English, banjo, The heart of the Sperrin Mountains, Teknopeasant n.n, 2018. Single
Vettori, Valerio, uilleann pipes, The market day: traditional Irish music played on the uilleann pipes, Vettori n.n., 2013
Vettori, Valerio, uilleann pipes, The old windmill, Vettori n.n., 2016. EP
Various, instrumental & vocal, The Coleman Archive volume 4: The past is another tune, Coleman Heritage Centre n.n., 2018
Various, instrumental, vocal & step-dance, Compánach, Imusic n.n. 2018. 2 CDs
Various, uilleann pipes, A new harvest, Na Píobairí Uilleann NPUCD022, 2018
Various, instrumental & vocal, Music of Mayo: Ceol Mhaigh Eo, Linenhall Arts Centre n.n., 2018. 2 CDs
Various, Scot’s sangs: revisiting the ballads of the Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, Scottlore SL01-MSB, 2018
Bradburd, Rus, ‘“Elizabeth’s Masterpiece”: fiddler and composer Liz Carroll’ in Fiddler magazine vol. 25, no 2 (Summer 2018), pp. 4–6
Browne, Peter, ‘Liam Ó Floinn appreciation’ in An píobaire vol. 14, no 2 (May 2018), pp. 7–9. Obituary
Donnelly, Seán, ‘From Croagh Patrick to Table Mountain: a Mayo uilleann piper at the Cape of Good Hope (1845)’ in An píobaire vol. 14, no 2 (May 2018), pp. 27–36
Krajewski, Kathryn E., ‘Newfoundland and Irish Music: synonymous or similar?’ (Rock Island, Illinois: Augustana College, 2018). Celebration of Learning. Online article
Mac Aoidh, Caoimhín, ‘The hidden note: elementary, my dear Doyle’ in Fiddler magazine vol. 25, no 2 (Summer 2018), pp. 34–35
Manners, Brian, ‘The Trinity harp: the most exotic musical instrument in the world!’ in Joseph Mannion and Katharine Simms, eds., Politics, kinship and culture in Gaelic Ireland, c. 1100–c. 1690: essays for the Irish Chiefs’ and Clans’ Prize in History (Dublin: Wordwell, 2018), pp. 99–109. ISBN 9781999790929 (pbk)
Murphy, Pat, Come west along the road: Irish set and social dancing (Cork: Pat Murphy, 2017). 226 pp. (pbk)
Ní Íceadha, Máire, ‘Dánta deoraíochta: ábhar aistí filíochta a chum Eoghan Rua Ó Súilleabháin thar lear’ in Eighteenth-century Ireland: iris an dá chultúr vol. 32 (2017), pp. 87–104
O’Brien, Eileen, ed., The compositions of Paddy O’Brien 1922–1991 (JCD Publications, 2017). 64 pp. (pbk). New ed. With 3 CDs
O’Connell, Connie, Bóithrín na smaointe: original compositions from a master fiddle player (Cork: Connie O’Connell, 2015). x+71 pp. ISBN 9781910097649 (hbk). With 2 CDs
Redmond, Mark, ‘An interview with Liam O’Flynn’ in An píobaire vol. 14, no 2 (May 2018), pp. 39–40
Some items of interest acquired by the Archive within the last two months:
Aibhlínn McCrann Collection. 32 reel-to-reel tapes and 1 handwritten card index donated by Aibhlínn McCrann.
Declan Fay Collection. 78 non-commercial recordings (recordings of sessions in counties Dublin, Kerry, Galway, and Clare), 210 commercial recordings, and 84 photos from a mixed media collection donated to ITMA on behalf of the late Declan Fay by his brother, Paddy Fay.
Dr Ignatius Lambert Collection. 15 reel-to-reel tapes and 1 non-commercial CD donated to ITMA by Caitríona Lambert.
2 manuscript notebooks loaned for digitisation by Caitríona Lambert.
Lynch Family Tapes. 2 non-commercial CDs of home recordings donated by Anne Sweeney (née Lynch).
1 audio cassette of the singing of Packie Brady. Loaned to ITMA for digitisation by John Finnan.
1 non-commercial CD titled ‘The Songs of Christy McCarthy.’ Donated by Christy McCarthy.
ITMA would also like to acknowledge donations of materials (CDs, printed items, visual items, etc.), and other help and information from the following people and organisations:
Randal Bays, Steve Byrne, Coleman Heritage Centre, Gregory Daly, Orla Henihan, Brian Hughes, Rose Lee, Linenhall Arts Centre, Séamus McGuire & John Lee, Na Píobairí Uilleann (NPU), National Gugak Center, Sadhbh Nic Ionnraic, Sean Quinn, Seamus Sands, Fintan Vallely, Alan Woods
Bradburd, Rus, ‘“Elizabeth’s Masterpiece”: fiddler and composer Liz Carroll’ in Fiddler magazine vol. 25, no 2 (Summer 2018), pp. 4–6
Browne, Peter, ‘Liam Ó Floinn appreciation’ in An píobaire vol. 14, no 2 (May 2018), pp. 7–9. Obituary
Donnelly, Seán, ‘From Croagh Patrick to Table Mountain: a Mayo uilleann piper at the Cape of Good Hope (1845)’ in An píobaire vol. 14, no 2 (May 2018), pp. 27–36
Krajewski, Kathryn E., ‘Newfoundland and Irish Music: synonymous or similar?’ (Rock Island, Illinois: Augustana College, 2018). Celebration of Learning. Online article
Mac Aoidh, Caoimhín, ‘The hidden note: elementary, my dear Doyle’ in Fiddler magazine vol. 25, no 2 (Summer 2018), pp. 34–35
Manners, Brian, ‘The Trinity harp: the most exotic musical instrument in the world!’ in Joseph Mannion and Katharine Simms, eds., Politics, kinship and culture in Gaelic Ireland, c. 1100–c. 1690: essays for the Irish Chiefs’ and Clans’ Prize in History (Dublin: Wordwell, 2018), pp. 99–109. ISBN 9781999790929 (pbk)
Murphy, Pat, Come west along the road: Irish set and social dancing (Cork: Pat Murphy, 2017). 226 pp. (pbk)
Ní Íceadha, Máire, ‘Dánta deoraíochta: ábhar aistí filíochta a chum Eoghan Rua Ó Súilleabháin thar lear’ in Eighteenth-century Ireland: iris an dá chultúr vol. 32 (2017), pp. 87–104
O’Brien, Eileen, ed., The compositions of Paddy O’Brien 1922–1991 (JCD Publications, 2017). 64 pp. (pbk). New ed. With 3 CDs
O’Connell, Connie, Bóithrín na smaointe: original compositions from a master fiddle player (Cork: Connie O’Connell, 2015). x+71 pp. ISBN 9781910097649 (hbk). With 2 CDs
Redmond, Mark, ‘An interview with Liam O’Flynn’ in An píobaire vol. 14, no 2 (May 2018), pp. 39–40
Some items of interest acquired by the Archive within the last two months:
Aibhlínn McCrann Collection. 32 reel-to-reel tapes and 1 handwritten card index donated by Aibhlínn McCrann.
Declan Fay Collection. 78 non-commercial recordings (recordings of sessions in counties Dublin, Kerry, Galway, and Clare), 210 commercial recordings, and 84 photos from a mixed media collection donated to ITMA on behalf of the late Declan Fay by his brother, Paddy Fay.
Dr Ignatius Lambert Collection. 15 reel-to-reel tapes and 1 non-commercial CD donated to ITMA by Caitríona Lambert.
2 manuscript notebooks loaned for digitisation by Caitríona Lambert.
Lynch Family Tapes. 2 non-commercial CDs of home recordings donated by Anne Sweeney (née Lynch).
1 audio cassette of the singing of Packie Brady. Loaned to ITMA for digitisation by John Finnan.
1 non-commercial CD titled ‘The Songs of Christy McCarthy.’ Donated by Christy McCarthy.
ITMA would also like to acknowledge donations of materials (CDs, printed items, visual items, etc.), and other help and information from the following people and organisations:
Randal Bays, Steve Byrne, Coleman Heritage Centre, Gregory Daly, Orla Henihan, Brian Hughes, Rose Lee, Linenhall Arts Centre, Séamus McGuire & John Lee, Na Píobairí Uilleann (NPU), National Gugak Center, Sadhbh Nic Ionnraic, Sean Quinn, Seamus Sands, Fintan Vallely, Alan Woods.